
"SEAMES Ltd." was founded in 1992 and is one of the first survey companies in Russia.

The company specializes in conducting independent survey of cargoes, vessels and transport facilities as well as renders assistance in investigation of various incidents causing damages to, or destruction of the surveyed objects. Our surveyors carry out all types of inspections, including survey of damages to cargo, ships and vehicles, survey of stationary and floating objects, and also provide services related to examination and quality / quantity control of various types of cargoes.

Professional responsibility of “SEAMES Ltd.” is insured with the leading insurance companies of Russia.

Qualification and high professional level of our surveyors, their certification according to the Russian and international standards and requirements made “SEAMES Ltd.” a reliable and responsible partner. All company employees are highly qualified specialists having industry-specific education and long-term experience.

We are proud to be ISO certified company: our Quality management system conforms to the requirements of ISO 9001-2015 and STO “Gazprom” 9001-2012. Our Environmental management system and Occupational Health and Safety Management System are also certified under ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 respectively.

There is approved Quality Policy of the Company, which posted in the public place. In addition, Quality Policy of the Company can be presented at the request of interested parties by method, convenient for them, at any time.

The Code of Ethics

The Code of Professional Ethics, which the personnel of the company "Seames Ltd." shall abide by, is aimed at forming an adequate public opinion of survey services as an essential tool of market relations in general and those of transportation industry trade in particular.

Basic concepts

  • This Code comprises the rules and principles of professional ethical standards, which the personnel of the company "Seames" (hereinafter referred to as "Company") are guided by in their everyday professional activities.
  • The term "personnel of the Company" in this Code refers to both the permanent empoyees of the staff and those working under the contract.
  • The term "Client" refers to any legal or physical entity who the Company provides its survey services to.

Every employee of the Company shall voluntarily affirm that he/she will abide by the By-Laws, Code of Ethics, Standards and official decisions of the Company in his/her professional activity.
  • Employees of the Company shall strictly adhere to the principle of an independent surveyor's opinion/advice.
  • Employees of the Company shall not provide survey services in case there is good reason to doubt their independence from the Client and/or their officials.
  • A surveyor's principle of independence shall be considered violated when a surveyor or his/her relatives appear to be involved in the financial and operational activity of the Client or to get any direct or indirect monetary gain or its equivalent from the latter.
  • An employee of the Company can provide his/her services to more than one party of the transport trade only by their common written consent to avoid conflict of interests.
  • An employee of the Company can render only survey services for the transportation industry trade with the exclusion of all other functions.
  • All the conclusions and recommendations stated in a survey report should be based on an objective and comprehensive study and analysis of the full and complete information obtained. When reporting, a surveyor of the Company should clearly distinguish between the existing objective facts and his/her own opinion, suppositions and assumptions.
  • Employees of the Company shall not make a prejudiced assessment of the information obtained nor shall they have their opinion/advice changed under pressure from the outside.
  • An employee of the Company shall avoid distorting or concealing from the Client any additional information he/she may obtain about the inspected object in the course of the requested survey.
  • An employee of the Company should do the utmost to obtain all the relevant evidence/proof in order to protect and safeguard the Client's interests without prejudice to his/her liabilities for objectivity and impartiality.
  • An employee of the Company shall not take advantage of the Client's lack of detailed information on the subject matter or his/her incompetence in order to gain an additional fee.
  • Should any mistake or inaccuracy be found in the survey documentation and reports submitted to the Client, the Company's employee must immediately advise the Client whereof and report to his/her Superior accordingly.
  • All the survey reports/statements shall be duly signed and stamped by the surveyor in charge.
  • When undertaking a survey job an employee of the Company shall feel confident of his/her competency, have professional expertise, experience and skills sufficient enough to ensure an efficient performance of the requested survey.
  • An employee of the Company should decline to perform a survey, which may appear to be beyond his/her competence, or shall request the Management of the Company to provide a competent expert/advisor to assist him with executing the task.
  • An employee of the Company shall constantly work on improving and perfecting his/her professional skills.
  • All the information obtained by the employee of the Company in the course of the survey performance is confidential and shall not be disclosed to the third parties in whatever form.
  • Survey report is the property of the Client. It shall be submitted to the Client in the order established after the work has been completed. It can never be used by the employee of the Company without the Client's written consent.
  • Employees of the Company should have friendly and cooperative relationships with surveyors of competing companies. When conducting a survey/inspection of the same object they should be guided by the principles of good cooperation in order to find out the true facts for protecting the interests of the Client and avoid taking deliberate actions, which may undermine the reputation of their colleagues by profession.
  • Employees of the Company shall abstain from discussing professional and business qualities of their competitors with the third parties.
  • Employees of the Company shall "fight" their competitors by improving and upgrading the standards of the survey services they provide, diversifying their services, making them cost-effective and thus attractive for their Clients.
  • Employees who do not comply with the rules of the above Code of Ethics show their disrespect to all other employees of the Company and may cause moral and financial damage to them.
  • Every employee of the Company who becomes subject to criticism for incompliance with the rules of professional ethics is entitled to demand an investigation of the committed incompliance to be carried out by the Management of the Company. This investigation should be carried out without prejudice and can be confidential at the request of the employee.
  • The Company's Management shall constantly monitor and ensure that the employees of the Company strictly comply with the rules and principles of this Code. In case of incompliance the Management should take appropriate disciplinary measures to suitably punish those who do not obey or violate this Code.

Any survey services shall be provided with full compliance to all the above principles of professional ethical standards.

Survey services*

Survey of transport facilities:

Survey of cargo-handling equipment: load-lifting, discharging mechanisms and gripping devices

Survey of transport facilities and transportation routes with a view to their suitability for intended commercial purposes

Inspection of hatch covers for water tightness

Inspection of the vessel’s holds for their cargoworthiness

Monitoring of equipment of vehicles and their suitability for safe cargo transportation

Survey of railway vehicles and containers

Survey of vessels:

  • On-hire/off-hire survey
  • Condition survey, incl. P&I Condition surveys
  • Bunker survey
  • Survey of damages to the vessel, including investigation of incident causing damages

Survey of cars, trucks, agricultural machinery and construction equipment, their accessories

Investigation of incidents causing damages to vessels / vehicles and/or facilities

Pre-trip route survey for transportation of oversized and heavyweight cargoes

Cargo inspections:

Survey of cargoes carried by sea and by land:

  • pre-loading and loading survey for quality and/or quantity control of cargoes
  • quality and/or quantity control of cargoes during transition out of zone of responsibility
  • tally count
  • monitoring of loading / unloading process
  • survey of cargo lashing and securing
  • cargo sampling for laboratory analysis


Condition survey of containers, including survey of damages to containers and/or the cargoes

Inspection of cargo storage areas

Survey of cargo-handling equipment

Loss estimation and adjustment

Loss prevention surveys

Investigation of incidents resulting in damages to cargo

Survey of cargo–handling procedures for compliance with the requirements set out

Definition (skilled or settlement way) of mass-dimensional characteristics of freight during conducting claims activities

Pre-trip route survey for transportation of oversized and heavyweight cargoes

Services rendered by our own non-destructive testing laboratory

Examination of shore facilities:

Survey of port and terminal facilities

Survey of floating platforms, oil and gas drilling rigs

Survey of a metalwork and constructions

Survey of concrete building elements

*The above list of survey services is not exhaustive and is constantly expanding. We will be pleased to offer our Clients a tailor-made combination of survey services required to protect their interests best possible.

Survey of Oil & Gas equipment and pipes

For more than 20 years our Oil & Gas equipment specialists have been conducting surveys of the equipment and logistic resources used in oil, gas, nuclear and other industries. During this period, our specialists have inspected more than 20 million tons of big diameter pipes and surveyed more than 3 million tons of various equipment for hydrocarbon crude extraction, oil- and gas-field equipment and other cargoes.

The company can boast of positive experience with 22 pipes manufacturing plants located at more than 170 loading / unloading stations and cargo Receiver’s storage facilities in 19 Russian and foreign ports.

Staff of the company is certified as specialists of the II level in visual measuring, electric and eddy-current control methods. Also, our specialists are certified in "Rostekhnadzor" for knowledge of rules of industrial safety. The company is a member of "CPO" and has own certified laboratory of nondestructive control.

The company took part and is taking part in the survey of pipes and equipment, which were supplied for the construction of the following facilities:

  • Gas transmission pipeline "South stream"
  • Gas transmission pipeline "Turkish stream"
  • Belorussian nuclear power generation station
  • Baltic nuclear power generation station
  • Nuclear power generation station "Belene" (Bolgaria)
  • Gas transmission pipeline "Yamal - West Europe"
  • Gas transmission pipeline "Blue Stream"
  • Gas transmission pipeline "Nord Stream"
  • Oil transmission pipeline "Eastern Siberia-Pacific"
  • Oil transmission pipeline of Caspian Pipeline Consortium
  • Gas transmission pipelines system "Bovanenkovo - Uhta"
  • Gas transmission pipeline "Pochinki - Gryazovets"
  • Gas transmission pipeline "Northern areas of the Tyumen region (SRTO) - Torzhok"
  • Gas transmission pipeline "Dzhubga - Lazarevskoe - Sochi"
  • Gas transmission pipeline "Sakhalin - Khabarovsk - Vladivostok"
  • Delivery of pipe products for the needs of LLC "GazPromCentrRemont"
  • Oil and gas projects "Sakhalin-1", "Sakhalin-2"
  • Oil transmission pipelines system "Zapolyarye - Main oil pumping station (MPS) Purpe"
  • Gas transmission pipeline "The Power of Siberia"
  • Gas transmission pipeline "Ukhta - Torzhok - 2"
  • Gas transmission pipeline "North stream -2"

Repair of pipes of big diameter

Since 2009 one of the Company's department make recovery repair of the pipes of big diameter (PBD) delivered for construction, reconstruction and planned repair of the main pipelines and which have sustained damages after transportation. Experience of department – more than 20000 successfully repaired pipes. Repair of TBD is made according with the technologies of repairing, coordinated by the leading Russian manufacturing plants of pipe production, the certified equipment and the repair materials were accredited in Russia. Specialists of department have the corresponding qualification certificates, certified familiarization with fire safety requirements, open hot work requirements and knowledge of relevant safety rules. Department is a member of "CPO". Quality of repairs of TBD, made by specialists of repair department of the Company, is confirmed by the conclusion of laboratory of nondestructive control.

Repair services of PBD:

  • Restoration of a primer coating
  • Restoration of an external anticorrosive polyethylene / polypropylene coating
  • Restoration of an external ballast concrete coating
  • Restoration of an inside protective smooth coating
  • Repair of pipe's end bevels
  • Repair of metal on the ends of a pipe (on the manufacturing plant)
  • Logistic services for delivering of TBD to the place of complex repair in the conditions of the manufacturing plant / pipe welding base and back to the place of storage
  • Definition of an opportunity and cost of carrying out rescue and recovery operations of PBD.


Seames Ltd. © 2020